1. Audrey Cardwell with Julie Kavanagh, Rachel Lyn Fobbs and Emily Larger in Goodspeed's Christmas in Connecticut. Photo by Diane Sobolewski..jpg
10. Audrey Cardwell in Goodspeed's Christmas in Connecticut. Photo by Diane Sobolewski..jpg
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14. Raymond J. Lee, Audrey Cardwell, Melvin Tunstall III and Rashidra Scott in Goodspeed's Christmas in Connecticut. Photo by Diane Sobolewski..jpg
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2. The cast of Goodspeed's Christmas in Connecticut. Photo by Diane Sobolewski..jpg
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11. Emily Larger, Julie Kavanagh and Rachel Lyn Fobbs in Goodspeed's Christmas in Connecticut. Photo by Diane Sobolewski..jpg
7. Raymond J. Lee and the cast of Goodspeed's Christmas in Connecticut. Photo by Diane Sobolewski..jpg
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